Sunday Paty, Paty, and St Patrick

By Paul Sankey Published on March 17, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Greetings, Happy St Patrick’s Day to all, not least my wife Patricia and her mom, Patricia, both “Paty”. A thought today for my Irish grandmother, Ivy. From Cork. This past week: ExxonMobil slipped out the old Friday-night-after-the-close press release on yet more Guyana exploration success Profrac announced a market share war in US pressure pumping that we thought so significant, we started a major oil price & market thematic. Stay tuned on ACDC (the ticker …

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Sunday Super Bowlers, Bowls and (Not) Buds

By Paul Sankey Published on February 11, 2024 at 5:05 PM

Good day, We sent you a juicy note on Devon $DVN yesterday, “STOP. Unleash the FANG Within”. Plenty to read there, and a Valero paean “right now the best refining margins in February history” came out Friday afternoon. BREAKING: 2/11/24 (Wall Street Journal) — Two Permian rivals, Diamondback Energy and Endeavor Energy Resources, are finalizing a merger that would create an oil-and-gas behemoth worth more than $50 billion. Diamondback could announce a deal with the …

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California write-downs: Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Brangelina

By Paul Sankey Published on January 13, 2024 at 11:41 AM

This year started with massive writedowns from both Chevron and ExxonMobil in California. You don’t need to read the all-time classic of industry literature, “Oil!”, by Upton Sinclair (nor watch the classic film “There Will Be Blood” which is based on the book) to know there is a long and storied history of oil in California. In this note we write brief histories that led to the write-downs. Spoiler alert, we start with the conclusions, …

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