Morning DC

By Paul Sankey Published on December 11, 2020 at 8:42 AM

Gyms should be allowed to stay open during COVID. The constitution guarantees freedom of the press. Who is Irish and stays out all night? Patty O’Furniture What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit? Ba-na-na-naaaa Further to our bullish refining commentary yesterday on net operating losses (NOLs) carry-forward for refiners, and E&Ps for that matter, meaning that companies will pay little or no income tax through 2021 and beyond, a client notes that “the CARES Act allow refiners […]

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Kamala Chameleon

By Paul Sankey Published on August 13, 2020 at 2:20 PM

Background of Vice Presidents and Energy Policy Al Gore @algore tweets: “@JoeBiden has selected an extraordinary running mate in @kamalaharris! Kamala has made climate and environmental justice a top priority in her career in public service, and I know she will continue to be a strong advocate in the White House. #BidenHarris2020” It is quite clear that one key rationale for Joe Biden to pick Kamala Harris as Vice President (VP) is for her perceived […]

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