Sunday Silence

By Paul Sankey Published on February 20, 2022 at 1:36 PM

A correspondent asked if I would be writing this Sunday about what to do if Russia invades Ukraine. “I wrote about it in early January,” I sourly texted “I am more likely to write about Venezuela,” I added snootily. “But you’ve been saying Russia won’t invade.” He pressed. “I had to take a week off because I didn’t know. No point in chasing the puck.” Not wanting to chase the “will they/won’t they” puck, I […]

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Devon & the Wall of Fear

By Paul Sankey Published on February 16, 2022 at 8:27 AM

Strategy Session this week: Doomberg 2/17, 4:30PM EST –  Click Here to register A bull market climbs a wall of fear, a bear market descends a slope of hope. With oil prices in the $90s, for oil investors traumatized by a decade of descending a slope of hope, are now climbing a wall of fear. The thinking goes like this: “Brent is at $90/bbl on a Ukraine invasion story that is de-escalating, sell quick, lock […]

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Sunday Sankey 1/30/22

By Paul Sankey Published on January 30, 2022 at 4:41 PM

Before we argue that Big Cap tech can stabilise the market here, on a fast & personal take of last week’s and next week’s earnings, in recognition that we need to focus on mega-themes, the latest population data from China is extremely important. NYT January 17th, 2022: China announced on Monday that its birthrate plummeted for a fifth straight year in 2021, moving the world’s most populous country closer to the potentially seismic moment when […]

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