By Paul Sankey
Published on August 30, 2020 at 11:36 AM
Good day, welcome to the week of summer shut down on Wall Street, The usual variety of great slides in the Sunday Sankey this week, and an entreaty to “play the game” this week of taking vacation. If we all do it, we can overcome. The personal story is a lot longer this week, because as regular clients will remember, “the only person who talks more than me, is my mother.” After I noted that […]
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By Paul Sankey
Published on August 28, 2020 at 9:14 AM
A photographer was killed in a freak accident today. When trying to take a group photo, a giant wheel of cheddar rolled down behind him and crushed him. Witnesses said people did try to warn him. Sherlock Holmes was reading when Watson came in looking confused. “I say Holmes! Why have you painted our front door bright yellow?” “Lemon entry, my dear Watson,” “Knock knock” ‘Get a warrant’ A couple of thoughts to end the […]
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