Morning Bits and Bobs

By Paul Sankey Published on April 17, 2024 at 10:41 AM

Today’s note is just bits and bobs: In the oil space, we are at 75% of peak media attention. Any higher, is generally a sell signal, but we are not quite there yet. It takes $100/bbl+ or $4.50/gallon nationwide pump price for me to get the call from the Mitch Albom Show which is peak USA Today territory. Mitch has sold 40m books (The Five People You Meet in Heaven etc) and runs a conservative …

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Sunday Paty, Paty, and St Patrick

By Paul Sankey Published on March 17, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Greetings, Happy St Patrick’s Day to all, not least my wife Patricia and her mom, Patricia, both “Paty”. A thought today for my Irish grandmother, Ivy. From Cork. This past week: ExxonMobil slipped out the old Friday-night-after-the-close press release on yet more Guyana exploration success Profrac announced a market share war in US pressure pumping that we thought so significant, we started a major oil price & market thematic. Stay tuned on ACDC (the ticker …

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Morning US Natgas Cuts, Holdovers, Spare Capacity, and Negative NAVs

By Paul Sankey Published on March 8, 2024 at 10:03 AM

Rounding out our series on the drama of US natural gas – the under-pinning of the global energy economy – we combine the latest news on gas rig cuts with 10K reserves filings to show a concerning picture for the US natural gas market and gassy equity valuations. Relatively, and long term, we like Antero on liquids-rich production, deep inventory and strong propane. Similarly Range (RRC) has the second highest NGL cut after Antero. We …

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