Morning Golds, DOEs, LNG & The Peter Principle

By Paul Sankey Published on August 8, 2024 at 9:27 AM

Looking forward to today Happy Hour 4pm Eastern Time (ET) today talking to former XOM engineer and Citadel Portfolio manager, partner Greg Bordelon on open mic – join and we can get some views – group therapy – from major investors. Register here: By Zoom, after the last major event in track & field today . Track and Field Gold Medals today ET: Source: Google ~ Bloomberg 8/8/24 JPMorgan Says Three Quarters of Global …

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Up and Around in Paris and London* Eni, SM, PR, VTLE

By Paul Sankey Published on July 30, 2024 at 9:04 AM

*George Orwell wrote a great book “Down and Out in Paris and London” where he lived homelessness, privileged son notwithstanding. If you think there are meth issues in downtown cities, you can read that book, or “Road to Wigan Pier”, and consider how life in big cities was in the 1930s. City life today – London or Paris, San Francisco – is a cake walk. So thereby, all my notes “Letter from…” or “Homage to…” …

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Letter from Breiddalur

By Paul Sankey Published on July 21, 2024 at 2:03 PM

Greetings again from Reykjavik, This week we will give you a quick look at the week ahead – which will be as mad as last week I reckon, for reasons to be outlined. For the specifics of oil stock performance last week, Sankey Research Global Head of Being Smart Mr Greg Bordelon will publish this evening, a day-by-day diary account of last week’s performance, which you will receive at 6pm ET this evening, “Model Portfolio” …

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