Sunday Anniversary Special – Blessings to All

By Paul Sankey Published on June 30, 2024 at 12:31 PM

Okay well you reached half way through the year as of today, and now the nights are closing in as we head towards winter. Wait, let’s not depress ourselves, this week main event? July 4th. We are truly mid-summer and that is a great place to be. Above banner photo, might be invisible as we reduce image quality for file size, but a view of the Statue of Liberty this morning from Brooklyn Bridge Park. …

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Sunday Zuck and Roll

By Paul Sankey Published on May 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM

Memorial Day weekend, a legendary moment of the great American year. “Summer 2024”. Man, it has a nice ring to it. I like round numbers, prime numbers, cool numbers, and 2024 has a great ring – so far. Best we can say, is It is unlikely to turn into 2020, we got past March. Market at all-time highs, new generation investment in AI, we spiral forward. With effectively zero unemployment, these are the times when …

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