Sunday Armageddons and Sushi Lunches

By Paul Sankey Published on June 9, 2024 at 12:33 PM

Good day, Jan Stuart talked me off the bear ledge on Happy Hour this past Thursday. He highlighted, like the Saudis themselves, that there is still a high degree of market control here by Saudi. In this note we focus on this week’s comments by the Saudi Oil Minister, while in Russia. This week shareholder vote on Tesla is a big deal, we highlight it, but add little else, other than a chart showing that …

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Sunday Saudi Puts, Iran Puts, SPR Puts, and

By Paul Sankey Published on May 12, 2024 at 7:08 PM

We have hit that point in oil markets when suddenly, just like that, all the newsflow turns bearish. Better put “seems bearish”. Once again, like our commentary on US distillate looking less terrible when you add back renewable diesel (note published last week), latest reports of the death of the oil market are over-stated. Prior reports have proven completely wrong. While there may be bearish fears regarding the upcoming June 1st OPEC meeting, the reality …

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Sunday Iraq and Roll

By Paul Sankey Published on April 7, 2024 at 5:02 PM

We sent you a theme note on BP & BPX yesterday, which was quite sad, remembering the John Browne Sun King glory days. In fact “harsh but fair” was feedback from one US E&P CEO. But as I have said many times, “if you ever feel sorry for an oil CEO, short the stock.” What should BP do? Get into Namibia. Buy a Gulf of Mexico deepwater player, but first cut out of transition investment; …

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