CVX-Hess Feedback? Pushback.

By Paul Sankey Published on May 23, 2024 at 9:48 AM

This evening 4pm – Strategy Session Greg Bordelon on “Model Portfolio” featuring Jim Mooney. Portfolio Manager Death Match, Greg Bordelon vs Jim Mooney. The two friends and former colleagues at Millennium will debate process and application in running money in the oil and oil adjacent sectors. Both fabulously smart, experienced, knowledgeable, I am really looking forward to what they have to say. Register here: Sankey Strategy Session | James Mooney – Interest Form ~ Feedback …

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CVX-Hess Vote: A Toucan in the Hand is Worth Two in the Amazon Jungles of Guyana

By Paul Sankey Published on May 22, 2024 at 8:58 AM

Hess for Chevron sale shareholder vote Is next week 5/28 Source: Sankey Research, companies for logos Understood that Hess has a high level of passive ownership, around 30%, and insider ownership, around a further ~10% controlled by John Hess. It was therefore seen as a relatively straightforward vote that would be approved, until ISS recommended shareholders vote “Abstain” NOT “Yes”. But ISS seemed to be backward looking, disapproving the deal as agreed, rather than looking …

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CVX-HESS – Room for Sweetener Please

By Paul Sankey Published on May 13, 2024 at 4:08 PM

05/13/2024 13:43:08 *CHEVRON HITS SESSION LOW AFTER ISS SAYS ABSTAIN ON HESS VOTE 05/13/2024 14:38:37 *HESS INVESTOR HBK SAYS IT WILL ABSTAIN IN CHEVRON MERGER VOTE We were chatting to Hess at lunchtime, the company on a sellside ring-around presumably to drum up support for the upcoming May 28th shareholder vote on the CVX deal. One obvious niggling question at lunchtime today, was whether the shareholder vote services would recommend a vote for the deal, …

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