Sunday Saudi Puts, Iran Puts, SPR Puts, and

By Paul Sankey Published on May 12, 2024 at 7:08 PM

We have hit that point in oil markets when suddenly, just like that, all the newsflow turns bearish. Better put “seems bearish”. Once again, like our commentary on US distillate looking less terrible when you add back renewable diesel (note published last week), latest reports of the death of the oil market are over-stated. Prior reports have proven completely wrong. While there may be bearish fears regarding the upcoming June 1st OPEC meeting, the reality …

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Sunday Flares, Flares and No Flares

By Paul Sankey Published on March 31, 2024 at 3:39 PM

Greetings!  Happy Easter. Spring is here, early spring, in Brooklyn Heights. I have begun to spend long moments staring at the garden. I shift to another spot and stare at the beds again. No meaningful gardening action as of yet. One asparagus tip has emerged from last year’s “growing asparagus” debacle. Things are going well for us; where do we stand at end-Q1 2024?   As Q1 closes, the first slide is titled: “Energy dangerously close to …

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Sunday Coming in Hot… and Wet, and Cold

By Paul Sankey Published on March 24, 2024 at 7:13 PM

Delayed last night in Boston by severe storms and a ground stop at La Guardia, eventually we were the last flight to leave Logan Terminal A, and barreled into New York like a bucking bronco, especially for those of us at the back of the shuttle. We landed screaming hot, through the driving rain to what felt like a skidding stop. Welcome back to New York. Freezing! Three weeks on the road, with a final …

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