Q2 EPS: Permian Lost, Found, and Future

By Paul Sankey Published on August 7, 2024 at 9:37 AM

Tomorrow Thursday, August 8th 4PM ET Greg Bordelon vs Paul Sankey Happy Hour open mic session for Happy Hour. Sorry we had originally said 1pm but that clashes with the Oxy earnings call, so if we want a shot of Warren Buffett joining, better we will go right after the market at 4pm. Looking forward to catching up on a LOT of stuff. Sankey Strategy Session | Paul Sankey & Greg Bordelon – Interest Form …

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Up and Around in Paris and London* Eni, SM, PR, VTLE

By Paul Sankey Published on July 30, 2024 at 9:04 AM

*George Orwell wrote a great book “Down and Out in Paris and London” where he lived homelessness, privileged son notwithstanding. If you think there are meth issues in downtown cities, you can read that book, or “Road to Wigan Pier”, and consider how life in big cities was in the 1930s. City life today – London or Paris, San Francisco – is a cake walk. So thereby, all my notes “Letter from…” or “Homage to…” …

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US E&P M&A: Gobbler’s Knob – Again

By Paul Sankey Published on June 1, 2024 at 12:27 PM

“That must mean we’re up here at Gobbler’s Knob, waiting for the forecast from the world’s most famous weatherman, Punxsutawney Phil.” Phil Connors (Bill Murray), Groundhog Day (1993) We are back to writing about E&P M&A … again. Our conclusions are broadly unchanged: Big companies are being incentivized by the market to take over the small, but with an evolution on the margin that finds asset quality now of equal importance to valuation; we are …

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