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By Paul Sankey Published on May 23, 2024 at 9:48 AM

This evening 4pm – Strategy Session Greg Bordelon on “Model Portfolio” featuring Jim Mooney. Portfolio Manager Death Match, Greg Bordelon vs Jim Mooney. The two friends and former colleagues at Millennium will debate process and application in running money in the oil and oil adjacent sectors. Both fabulously smart, experienced, knowledgeable, I am really looking forward to what they have to say. Register here: Sankey Strategy Session | James Mooney – Interest Form ~ Feedback …

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Sunday Non-Plussed, OPEC+ and Rubber Chicken

By Paul Sankey Published on May 5, 2024 at 6:51 PM

Well personally, I feel like I got run over by Fed Chair Jay Powell last week, because I expected him to be hawkish, but he was dovish, simple as that. Guess there’s enough evidence of economic slowdown, for him to think that interest cuts are coming. CNBC May 1st 2024: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said it was unlikely that the central bank’s next move will be a rate hike. The comment spurred a rally …

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Oil Earnings Results Post-Performance FWIW

By Paul Sankey Published on April 20, 2024 at 10:16 AM

A major client liked the chart we published last week, highlighting that Schlumberger has a pattern of under-performing quarterly earnings reports. Quod Errat Demonstrandum, as SLB under-performed on its results yesterday, despite a headline beat. All you can analyse is the margins, and guidance outlook change. They came in neutral to mildly negative on a stock that is relatively expensive. SLB was down -2.14% in a tape which saw the mighty energy sector XLE power …

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