Sunday Sticker Shocks and Straws

By Paul Sankey Published on August 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM

Hello, The last week of Summer 2024 is upon us. Welcome to the first week of 2024/5! Source: Bloomberg, Sankey Research Good luck to you & yours, may it be a great year. ~ Briefly noted: still no Prime Minister appointed in France, which is causing a continuing political crisis there. And next thing you know the founder of Telegram is arrested this weekend at Le Bourget, Paris’s private airport. Telegram, and that story, are …

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Morning Bits and Bobs

By Paul Sankey Published on April 17, 2024 at 10:41 AM

Today’s note is just bits and bobs: In the oil space, we are at 75% of peak media attention. Any higher, is generally a sell signal, but we are not quite there yet. It takes $100/bbl+ or $4.50/gallon nationwide pump price for me to get the call from the Mitch Albom Show which is peak USA Today territory. Mitch has sold 40m books (The Five People You Meet in Heaven etc) and runs a conservative …

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Morning Reed, Jeff, Olivier, Rich & Scott

By Paul Sankey Published on January 24, 2024 at 11:23 AM

4Q23 Earnings 1/19-1/23 (HAL, SLB, KMI, UAL, JBHT) On Sunday we said “Netflix to beat, Tesla to miss”. The Netflix call was hardly heroic, we just found re-setting all our accounts to be super-easy, those thrown off my ID happily subscribed themselves (son) and the Netflix film Society of the Snow is outstanding. One down, one to go, so if Tesla pulls a huge upside surprise, we are in coin flip territory on earnings call …

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