Sunday SLB, COP, Utes & Wildcards

By Paul Sankey Published on September 1, 2024 at 4:08 PM

We sent you a rather different Thematic yesterday, covering $NESR, the delisted Middle East oil field service player, and the implications of their commentary on record levels of Middle East oil & gas development activity. So just a quick dash through a couple of charts today. Yesterday’s note is especially pertinent to the opening Keynote Speaker at Tuesday’s Barcap conference commencement – SLB, the artist formerly known as Schlumberger. So, plenty of corporate action this …

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Sunday Super Bowlers, Bowls and (Not) Buds

By Paul Sankey Published on February 11, 2024 at 5:05 PM

Good day, We sent you a juicy note on Devon $DVN yesterday, “STOP. Unleash the FANG Within”. Plenty to read there, and a Valero paean “right now the best refining margins in February history” came out Friday afternoon. BREAKING: 2/11/24 (Wall Street Journal) — Two Permian rivals, Diamondback Energy and Endeavor Energy Resources, are finalizing a merger that would create an oil-and-gas behemoth worth more than $50 billion. Diamondback could announce a deal with the …

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